Oklahoma! - Choral Selection (2-173)
Ol' Man River (2-515)
Old 'Mayflower', The (4-394)
Old Abram Brown (1-510)
Old Dan Tucker (2-837)
Old Gipsy, Play Your Songs So Fine (3-874)
Old House, Tear It Down! (1-956)
Old Joe Clark (1-558)
Old King Cole (0-405)
Old King Cole (2-542)
Old Music for Quiet Hearts (3-698)
Old Refrain, The (4-668)
Old Roger is Dead (1-628)
Old Time Religion Medley (0-669)
Ole Ark's a-Moverin' (2-056)
Oliver Cromwell (4-969)
Oliver! (Choral Selections) (0-076)
Oliver! (Choral Selections) (0-751)
Oliver! (Choral Selections) (5-418)
Omnipotence, The (4-505)
On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever) (2-057)
On Eagle's Wings (2-790)
On May Morning (5-029)
On the Day Before Christmas (and the Day Before That!) (5-952)