Kansas City (0-480)
Kedron (4-775)
Keel Row, The (3-372)
Kentucky Babe (3-455)
Kentucky Jazz Jam (4-590)
Kerry Dance, The (1-001)
Kettle Rhyme, The (4-303)
Kicking-Horse River (3-250)
Kids are Music (5-097)
Kids on Broadway: Songs that Stopped the Show (0-402)
King and I, The (0-057)
King and I, The (5-103)
King of Love, The (0-539)
King of Peace, The (5-158)
Kitty of Coleraine (0-688)
Kitty of Coleraine (4-950)
Knick Knack Paddy Whack 4-580)
Kookaburra (3-537)
Korean Lullaby (4-922)
Kum Ba Yah (1-030)
Kyrie (0-320)
Kyrie (0-321)
Kyrie (2-316)
Kyrie (2-586)