Let There Be Praise (3-793)
Let There Be Song (2-405)
Let Thy Hand Be Upon the Man (1-203)
Let Thy Holy Spirit Come Upon Us (4-337)
Let Us Break Bread Together (1-917)
Let Us Go in Peace (0-198)
Let Us Pause (0-110)
Let's Dance (1-063)
Let's Dig In, Save Canada (4-560)
Let's Get Together (Canada Forever) (5-326)
Let's Have Some Old-Time Religion (5-867)
Li'l Liza Jane (1-378)
Lida Rose and Will I Ever Tell You (3-924)
Lieber Vater (5-423)
Life Is Like A Cloud (3-862)
Life Keeps Movin' (1-204)
Life-Giver in the Light Realms (5-152)
Lift High the Triumph Song (0-621)
Lifting of the Mist (3-255)
Light Come Down, The (2-296)
Light of Peace (5-269)
Light of the World Is Jesus, The (0-866)
Light the Candles (4-110)
Light the Candles of Freedom (1-843)