Lover's Arithmetic, The (4-389)
Lover, Come Back to Me! (0-073)
Lovers Love the Spring (3-328)
Loving Savior, Feed Your People (3-027)
Lullabies and Nightsongs: Set II (2-942)
Lullaby (3-731)
Lullaby (4-521)
Lullaby (4-992)
Lullaby Carol (5-942)
Lullaby for the Christ Child (2-383)
Lullaby of the Duchess (2-151)
Lullaby, Little Babe (5-428)
Lullaby, Sweet Tiny Child (3-199)
Lullaby, The (4-660)
Ma Little Banjo (4-463)
Ma Little Banjo (4-464)
Madrigals of the Renaissance (3-096)
Magic Store, The (3-801)
Magnetic North (3-549)
Magnificat (2-238)
Magnificat (4-391)
Magnificat (5-380)
Magnificent Sanctuary Band (4-676)
Maid Peerless, A (1-125)