Mending Song, The (3-649)
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas (5-569)
Merry Christmas, A (2-805)
Merry Christmas, Mozart (5-550)
Merry Merry Christmas, Baby (4-555)
Message of the Bells (4-344)
Messiah, The (2-235)
Michael, Row the Boat (0-968)
Michael, Row The Boat (1-455)
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore (1-456)
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore (3-738)
Mid-Winter (2-717)
Midsummer (0-361)
Mighty Fortress is Our God, A (3-871)
Mighty Fortress, A (0-284)
Mikado (3-040)
Miller's Song, The (1-902)
Miller, The Boy And The Donkey, The (1-387)
Miserere (2-279)
Missa Brevis (1-217)
Missa Brevis in D (5-153)
Missa Solemnis in B Flat (5-179)
Missouri Coteau, The (5-350)
Mister Frog Went A-Courting (1-589)