Open The Gates Of The Temple (0-956)
Open to Me the Gates (5-814)
Our Savior is Alive! (6-107)
Oxford Easy Anthem Book, The (6-246)
Palm Sunday (2-673)
Palm Sunday Processional (2-739)
Passion According to St. John, The (2-827)
Passion Suite (6-325)
Passiontide Carol, A (4-843)
Praise God's Son Who Redeems Us (1-242)
Praise to the Risen Son (2-876)
Prelude and Palm Processional (6-067)
Rejoice! (4-087)
Rejoice, He is Alive! (5-842)
Resurrection (3-422)
Resurrection Celebration (2-674)
Resurrection Chorus (0-863)
Resurrection People (1-205)
Resurrection Proclamation, A (1-195)
Resurrection, The (3-679)
Ride On, King Jesus! (4-853)
Ride On, Ride On in Majesty (3-627)
Ride On, Ride On in Majesty (4-855)
Risen On High! (1-023)