Sound of Music, The (3-043)
Sound of Music, The (3-980)
Sound of Music, The (4-759)
Sound of Music, The (Choral Selection) (2-061)
Sound Sleep (4-539)
Sound the Trumpet! (1-052)
Sound the Trumpet! (4-860)
Sounds of Bethlehem (1-370)
Sourwood Mountain (2-545)
South African Suite (4-105)
South Pacific (Choral Selection) (2-055)
Speak Lord (5-429)
Speak Softly Love (3-850)
Speak to One Another (5-768)
Speak to One Another of Psalms (4-143)
Special Moments (5-887)
Special Night, A (0-883)
Special Night, A (2-003)
Spider Danced A Cosy Jig, A (5-073)
Spider Hunter, The (0-662)
Spinning Wheel (0-639)
Spirit Come with Gifts for Giving (3-064)
Spirit is Among Us, The (1-294)
Spirit of God Descend Upon my Heart (3-640)