Portrait in Blue (2-681)
Portrait of Leroy Anderson (2-571)
Potlatch Fair, The (5-053)
Prairie Woman Sings, A (2-381)
Preludio (5-175)
Preludium (0-003)
Pretty Girl is Like a Melody, A (2-346)
Pretty Spring (4-763)
Printemps (5-485)
Prisoner, The (3-249)
Puisque tout passe (5-480)
Pussywillows, Cat-Tails (1-970)
Put on a Happy Face (5-267)
Put on a Happy Face (5-457)
Puttin' on the Ritz (2-249)
Puttin' on the Ritz (3-536)
Qilak (5-888)
Quaint and Insignificant (0-234)
Quartette für vier Solostimmen (1-247)
Queen to me a Royal Pain Doth Give, The (3-327)
Quel augellin che canta (0-449)
Rackety Brackety (0-746)
Rag Doll (4-316)
Raggedy Ann 'n' Andy (5-973)