Canada, Our Canada (5-221)
Candle in the Window (2-444)
Candle of Peace (5-964)
Candlelight Carol (2-548)
Canon on Alleluia (2-248)
Cantate Domino (1-465)
Cantate Domino (1-944)
Cantate Domino (4-642)
Canticle of the Turning (Magnificat) (2-983)
Canticle to the Spirit (2-887)
Cantique de Jean Racine (3-315)
Carillon for Christmas (4-151)
Carol for the Animals (5-910)
Carol O Ye Angels (1-620)
Carol of the Bells (3-972)
Carol of the Birds (4-689)
Carol of the Drum (4-571)
Carol of the Fisherman (1-648)
Carol of the Shepherd Boy (2-275)
Carol of the Shepherd Boys (4-285)
Carol of the Shepherd Children (1-665)
Carol of the Star, The (2-483)
Caroling, Caroling (4-902)
Carrion Crow, The (1-664)