September Song (4-806)
Serenade (1-646)
Shalom Chaverim (2-456)
Sheep May Graze in Pastures Safely (1-700)
Shenandoah (2-927)
Shephard Psalm, The (5-994)
Shepherds' Rocking Carol (0-770)
Shepherds, Rejoice, Lift Up Your Eyes (0-776)
Ship with Cargo Precious, A (2-183)
Ships (3-660)
Shoot Shall Come Forth, A (5-108)
Silver Bells (0-597)
Silver Swan, The (1-437)
Silver Swan, The (5-061)
Sing Alleluia (2-918)
Sing Alleluia for your Soul! (3-696)
Sing Alleluia, Sing Praise (5-109)
Sing Aloud to God, Our Strength (0-672)
Sing for Joy (1-007)
Sing Hosanna! (5-871)
Sing Joy! (2-962)
Sing Joy! (5-357)
Sing Joyful Praise! (2-210)
Sing Noel! (2-087)