Christmas Morn (1-723)
City Called Heaven, A (4-488)
Cleansing Fountain (5-863)
Coffee Grows on White Oak Trees (3-847)
Come Again! Sweet Love (0-564)
Come Away, Death (0-091)
Come Now, My Dearest Jewel (0-099)
Come, Christians, Join to Sing! (1-652)
Come, I Pray Thee (6-196)
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life (2-955)
Come, O Blessed Lord, Thou Light of Life (1-114)
Come, Shepherd Swains (3-411)
Come, Sing! Come, Dance! (5-528)
Come, Thou Fount (6-161)
Comfort Thy Servant (0-112)
Comfort, All My People (0-702)
Comin' Thro' the Rye (2-867)
Computer, The (4-150)
Counterpoint of the Animals (0-600)
Coventry Carol, The (1-841)
Cows (1-119)
Cradle Carol (4-161)
Cradle Hymn, A (0-062)
Creation, The (1-330)