One I Love, The (4-667)
One on the Tree, The (1-523)
One-Eyed Jack (5-076)
Onward Christian Soldiers (3-240)
Oolichan (1-600)
Our Beloved Canada (1-239)
Ower the Hills (4-030)
Parking Lot Song, The (2-449)
Parting Glass, The (3-179)
Peter on De Sea, Sea, Sea, Sea (3-169)
Peter on De Sea, Sea, Sea, Sea (4-366)
Petty Harbour Bait Skiff, The (3-295)
Piano on the Prairie (3-404)
Pick Up the Earth (0-988)
Pie Jesu (4-991)
Pony Man, The (4-718)
Potlatch Fair, The (5-053)
Praise Our Lord and Maker (2-139)
Praise to the Lord (4-336)
Praise to the Lord the Almighty (3-184)
Praise Ye the Lord (3-431)
Prayer of St. Francis (2-271)
Prayer of Thanksgiving (3-392)
Prayer of Thanksgiving (5-004)