Springtime Is For Dreaming (4-357)
Star, A (2-755)
Stars are with the Voyager, The (3-299)
Steal Away (2-319)
Still the Song Lives On (0-902)
Storm (2-193)
Stormy Weather (2-758)
Strangers In The Night (4-743)
Summer Evening, A (2-302)
Sun is a Luminous Shield, The (5-087)
Sunset (a B.C. Cowboy's Lament) (2-194)
Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs (2-897)
Swallow, The (4-289)
Sweet are the Charms of Her I Love (2-771)
Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang (6-321)
Swingin' Shepherd Blues, The (5-413)
Ta tikee tei (2-760)
Tabula Rasa (6-345)
Te Deum (2-228)
Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred? (1-842)
Tell My Ma When I Go Home (2-596)
Ten English Rhymes (0-085)
Tenebrae factae sunt (3-034)
That St. John's Girl (5-088)