Double Talk (2-104)
Dream River (2-108)
Dream Within a Dream, A (2-119)
Dream, A (0-140)
Dream, The (0-820)
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears (1-893)
Dubula (5-400)
Early Mornin' Rain (1-084)
Earth Today Rejoices (4-708)
East Away O! (0-143)
Easter (2-581)
Easter Carol (3-401)
Easter Song (0-960)
Ecclesiastes I (2-996)
Eldorado (2-120)
Elizabethan Spring, An (2-117)
Elizabethan Summer, An (5-121)
Emmanuel Shall Come! (0-793)
Epitaph for Moonlight (2-202)
Evening Prayer (5-917)
Fain Would I Change That Note (0-728)
Faithfulness (2-802)
Faithless Nelly Gray, The (1-094)
Falan Tiding (1-875)