Hallelujah, Glory Hallelujah (4-925)
Hark the Glad Sound! (1-726)
He Is Born (5-262)
He is Born on This Holy Night (1-765)
He is the Son of God (3-333)
He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word (4-007)
He Shall be Called (5-654)
Hills Are Bare at Bethlehem, The (2-711)
Hodie (1-396)
Hodie, Hodie (2-688)
Holly and the Ivy, The (1-392)
Holly and the Ivy, The (6-352)
Holy Child is Born, A (3-632)
Holy Night! (1-400)
Hope Is Born Tonight (5-710)
Hosanna! We Sing (3-086)
How far is it to Bethlehem (5-546)
How Far is it to Bethlehem? (1-438)
How Far is it to Bethlehem? (1-899)
Hurry to Bethlehem! (5-447)
Hurry, Hurry Yonder (5-274)
Hymn of Advent (6-210)
I Bring You Good News! (2-219)
In a Lowly Cattle Stall (1-914)