Four Slovak Christmas Carols (5-321)
Friede auf Erden (5-446)
Friendly Beasts, The (4-063)
Gallery Carol, A (2-051)
Go Tell it on the Mountain (2-954)
Go Tell It On the Mountain (5-169)
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen (4-219)
Golden Vase Carol, The (4-224)
Good King Wenceslas (3-341)
He is Born on This Holy Night (1-765)
Here, Mid the Ass and Oxen Mild (3-338)
Hodie Christus natus est (1-182)
Hodie Christus natus est (5-482)
Holly and the Ivy, The (0-228)
Holly and the Ivy, The (1-198)
Holly and the Ivy, The (4-255)
Holly and the Ivy, The (6-352)
Holy Child is Born, A (3-632)
Holy Night! (1-400)
How Far is it to Bethlehem (4-461)
How far is it to Bethlehem (5-546)
How Lovely Shines the Morning Star (1-552)
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (6-357)
I Saw Three Ships (1-827)