What is this Lovely Fragrance? (2-492)
What Shall We Name Him? (1-464)
What Shall We Sing for the Child? (5-822)
What Strangers are These? (6-205)
What Sweeter Music Can We Bring (3-307)
When Christ Was Born (5-139)
When I Kneel at the Manger Tonight (5-855)
When the Angels' Song is Silent (5-732)
When Will We See the Little One? (2-347)
Whence Comes this Rush of Wings (2-491)
Where Shepherds Lately Knelt (5-726)
While By My Sheep (4-398)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (5-140)
While Shepherds Were Watching (0-823)
White Christmas (0-561)
White Christmas (1-220)
White Christmas (3-903)
White Christmas (4-755)
Who Are These Strangers? (3-180)
Who is He in Yonder Stall? (0-011)
Who Is This In Manger Sleeping? (4-946)
Who on Earth Could Know? (2-289)
Who Would Imagine a King? (3-837)
Who Would Send a Baby? (3-634)