Away in a Manger (6-097)
Away in a Manger (6-275)
Babe is Born in Bethlehem, A (1-714)
Baby in a Manger (5-675)
Baby is the King, A (5-785)
Balulalow (2-895)
Balulalow (5-907)
Balulalow (6-355)
Because a Manger Held a Child (5-701)
Behold that Star (3-635)
Behold that Star (4-673)
Behold! Rise Up! Go Tell! Shine! (1-445)
Behold, Emmanuel (3-046)
Behold, the Child of Bethlehem (5-723)
Bell Carol (1-143)
Bell Carol (3-350)
Betelehemu (3-161)
Bethlehem (2-369)
Bethlehem (4-837)
Bethlehem (5-601)
Bethlehem (5-729)
Bethlehem In Me (5-691)
Bethlehem Wind (3-763)
Bethlehem Wind (5-680)