Like a Singing Bird (2-329)
Like a Singing Bird (5-722)
Like an Eagle (5-543)
Like as a Father (3-171)
Like as the Hart Desireth the Water-Brooks (3-466)
Lilac Tree, The (4-778)
Lillies of the Dawn (2-564)
Limericks Anon An'on (2-967)
Limu, Limu, Lima (4-800)
Lincolnshire Poacher, The (0-334)
Linden Lea (1-910)
Linden Lea (1-913)
Linden Lea (2-160)
Linden Lea (2-699)
Linden Tree, The (3-007)
Lindy's Ballet Shoes (4-871)
Linstead Market (2-336)
Listen to My Tale of Woe (0-338)
Listen to the Lambs (4-736)
Listen to the Music (1-905)
Litany to the Holy Spirit (4-128)
Little Beggarman, The (2-594)
Little Birch Tree, The (4-586)
Little Bird, A (4-662)