Sun of My Soul (5-232)
Sunrise, Sunset (0-055)
Sunrise, Sunset (1-701)
Sunset (a B.C. Cowboy's Lament) (2-194)
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (1-041)
Sure on This Shining Night (1-273)
Sure on This Shining Night (2-078)
Sure on This Shining Night (4-472)
Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs (3-273)
Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs (2-897)
Surely the Lord is in This Place (0-534)
Surely the Lord is in This Place (4-093)
Surrender (0-677)
Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The (2-855)
Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The (3-891)
Susanni (4-340)
Sussex Carol (0-924)
Sussex Carol (1-602)
Sussex Carol (4-274)
Svyati (3-481)
Swallow, The (4-289)
Sweet and Low (4-410)
Sweet are the Charms of Her I Love (2-771)
Sweet Blessed Son of Mine (5-746)