Sweet Content (4-518)
Sweet is the Work (0-536)
Sweet Lamb (4-813)
Sweet Lamb (5-030)
Sweet Little Child (5-166)
Sweet Little Jesus (2-687)
Sweet Little Jesus Boy (2-493)
Sweet Love For Me (0-537)
Sweet Mary Rocks Her Infant (1-390)
Sweet Was The Song (4-009)
Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang (6-321)
Sweet, Sweet Spirit (5-976)
Sweetheart Tree, The (2-309)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (0-538)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (1-313)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (3-941)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (6-035)
Swingin' a Round (4-666)
Swingin' Shepherd Blues, The (5-413)
Swingin' with Solfege (5-452)
Swingin' with the Saints (2-558)
Swingle Song (2-554)
Swiss Mountain Song (4-836)
Symphony of Psalms (2-975)