Veni, veni Emmanuel (0-408)
Very Best Time of Year, The (2-232)
Very First Christmas, The (5-730)
Vexilla regis produent (1-210)
Vi adoro (0-296)
Via dolorosa (3-272)
Vigil (4-443)
Villanellas (5-453)
Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy, The (1-503)
Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy, The (1-894)
Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy, The (3-950)
Virgin's Cradle Hymn, The (3-123)
Visitor, The (4-968)
Viva la Vida (3-223)
Vive L'Amour (0-769)
Vive la Cookery Maid (0-582)
Vocalise (4-964)
Voicedance V (2-463)
Voices of Children, The (1-900)
Wade in the Water (1-561)
Wagon Wheels (1-854)
Waiting Carol, A (6-016)
Wake the Grain (6-343)
Wake up, My Soul, Wake Up and Sing (3-386)