Waking Carol, The (2-934)
Waking Carol, The (4-022)
Waldesgesang (Forest Song) (0-585)
Walk a Little Slower, My Friend (2-105)
Walk Dem Bones! (2-044)
Walk Hand in Hand (3-439)
Walk in Jerusalem (5-500)
Walk in the Light (5-927)
Walk in the Light (6-215)
Walk on the Water, Peter (1-855)
Walk With Me (4-240)
Walk With Me (5-850)
Walk Worthy (6-336)
Walkin' Through the Wilderness (2-689)
Walking On The Green Grass (4-415)
Walrus and the Carpenter, The (5-456)
Waltz for Two Left Feet, A (0-645)
Waltzing Matilda (2-768)
Waltzing Matilda (3-478)
Waly, Waly (3-368)
Wanderer, The (3-125)
Warm Ups & Work Outs for the Developing Choir, Vol. II (0-300)
Wasn't that a Mighty Day! (0-221)
Watah Come a Me Eye (4-248)